Results for 'Vera Lúcia Raposo'

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  1. Gene Editing, the Mystic Threat to Human Dignity.Vera Lúcia Raposo - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (2):249-257.
    Many arguments have been made against gene editing. This paper addresses the commonly invoked argument that gene editing violates human dignity and is ultimately a subversion of human nature. There are several drawbacks to this argument. Above all, the concept of what human dignity means is unclear. It is not possible to condemn a practice that violates human dignity if we do not know exactly what is being violated. The argument’s entire reasoning is thus undermined. Analyses of the arguments involved (...)
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    Why dignity is a troubling concept for AI ethics.Jon Rueda, Txetxu Ausín, Mark Coeckelbergh, Juan Ignacio del Valle, Francisco Lara, Belén Liedo, Joan Llorca Albareda, Heidi Mertes, Robert Ranisch, Vera Lúcia Raposo, Bernd C. Stahl, Murilo Vilaça & Íñigo De Miguel - 2025 - Patterns 6 (3).
    The concept of dignity is proliferating in ethical, legal, and policy discussions of AI, yet dignity is an elusive term with multiple philosophical interpretations. The authors argue that the unspecific and uncritical employment of the notion of dignity can be counterproductive for AI ethics.
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  3. Collaborative Economy in Portugal: the Recent Evolution.Mela Bettega, Raul Masu & Vera Lúcia Alves Pereira Diogo - 2021 - In Andrzej Klimczuk, Vida Česnuityte & Gabriela Avram, The Collaborative Economy in Action: European Perspectives. Limerick: University of Limerick. pp. 250-262.
    In this paper, we present an overview of the collaborative economy situation in Portugal. The chapter starts by presenting a number of local platforms and services. Overall, there seems to be a concern about the risk involved in the unregulated development of rental and mobility services. Therefore, we also highlight an overview of laws and regulations concerning the sharing economy platforms, especially for renting. This paper also presents issues related to rental platforms and touristification. We also present a list of (...)
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  4. Flat Belly Overnight Review By Andrew Raposo[REVIEW]Raposo Andrew - 2016 - Global Journal of Management and Business Research 16 (12):3.
    Flat Belly Overnight Reviews By Andrew Raposo is an outstanding tricks and tips to lose belly fat overnight.Flat Belly Overnight Program Reviews for who struggling with belly fat. Flat Belly Overnight system provide some trick to lose 2 pound belly fat by sleeping.
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  5. When Fields Are Not Degrees of Freedom.Vera Hartenstein & Mario Hubert - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 72 (1):245-275.
    We show that in the Maxwell–Lorentz theory of classical electrodynamics most initial values for fields and particles lead to an ill-defined dynamics, as they exhibit singularities or discontinuities along light-cones. This phenomenon suggests that the Maxwell equations and the Lorentz force law ought rather to be read as a system of delay differential equations, that is, differential equations that relate a function and its derivatives at different times. This mathematical reformulation, however, leads to physical and philosophical consequences for the ontological (...)
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  6. An Organic System Open to an Intelligible Reality: The Concept of Method in Antonio Rosmini.Lucia Bissoli - 2024 - Religions 15 (5):535.
    Oftentimes, reality seems to us a chaos that we try to control with our theories. This article starts from the antithetic standpoint, inspired by Antonio Rosmini’s works: reality is intelligible, and originates our thinking. From this perspective, any research that tries to reach the truth is determined by the real, not the contrary. Moreover, interdisciplinarity, far from being a solipsistic enterprise, aims at achieving truth and guaranteeing scientific advancement. Here, we analyze the distinctive character of Rosminian encyclopedism and his principles (...)
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  7. Ontological Expressivism.Vera Flocke - 2021 - In James Miller, The Language of Ontology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Ontological expressivism is the view that ontological existence claims express non-cognitive mental states. I develop a version of ontological expressivism that is modeled after Gibbard’s (2003) norm-expressivism. I argue that, when speakers assess whether, say, composite objects exist, they rely on assumptions with regard to what is required for composition to occur. These assumptions guide their assessment, similar to how norms may guide the assessment of normative propositions. Against this backdrop, I argue that “some objects have parts”, uttered in the (...)
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  8. (Re)conceptualizing the genesis of a “we is greater than me” psychological orientation: Sartre meets Tomasello.Lucia Angelino - 2022 - Journal of Social Ontology 8 (1):68–93.
    Drawing on many areas of expertise, from paleontology to psychology, Tomasello offers a plausible, evolutionary story abouthow our ancestors are likely to have developed cooperative behaviors and collaborative lifeways in order to survive and thrive.He also claims that this narrative explains why they would have begun to think in characteristically cooperative and moral ways,developing a “we is greater than me” [we>me] psychological orientation. Do the arguments offered support this extra claim? Thisarticle suggests that they do not. It seeks to alleviate (...)
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  9. No “Easy” Answers to Ontological Category Questions.Vera Flocke & Katherine Ritchie - 2023 - Philosophical Perspectives 36 (1):78-94.
    Easy Ontologists, most notably Thomasson (2015), argue that ontological questions are shallow. They think that these questions can either be answered by using our ordinary conceptual competence—of course tables exist!—or are meaningless, or else should be answered through conceptual re-engineering. Ontology thus is “easy”, requiring no distinctively metaphysical investigation. This paper raises a two-stage objection to Easy Ontology. We first argue that questions concerning which entities exist are inextricably bound up with “ontological category questions”, which are questions concerning the identity (...)
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  10. A New Imagery Debate: Enactive and Sensorimotor Accounts.Lucia Foglia & J. Kevin O’Regan - 2016 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 7 (1):181-196.
    Traditionally, the “Imagery Debate” has opposed two main camps: depictivism and descriptivism. This debate has essentially focused on the nature of the internal representations thought to be involved in imagery, without addressing at all the question of action. More recently, a third, “embodied” view is moving the debate into a new phase. The embodied approach focuses on the interdependence of perception, cognition and action, and in its more radical line this approach promotes the idea that perception is not a process (...)
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  11. Justicia para ciudadanos y extranjeros (10th edition).Lucia Bissoli - 2023 - Rosmini Studies 10:53-64.
    Considering Rosmini’s political works in comparison with his metaphysical and anthropological essays, and starting from Rosmini's project of a code of law that, in the author’s opinion, can guarantee fundamental human rights, this article discusses the concept of justice between citizens and outsiders. Its first part is an analysis of Rosmini’s juridical fundaments, which takes into account also some objections historically moved against it. Its second part examines some specific cases of conflicts between outsiders and the members of civil society, (...)
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  12. Agustín interpretado por Romano Guardini.Lucia Bissoli - 2023 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 56 (2):287-307.
    En varios momentos de su desarrollo intelectual, Romano Guardini se interesó en el pensamiento de Agustín, impulsado tanto por inquietudes personales como por las provocaciones que le ofrecían los pensadores de su época. El pensador alemán, de hecho, presenta en sus textos un Agustín existencial que busca la respuesta para la realización de la propia vida y plantea esta cuestión a Dios. El texto está dividido en tres partes. En la primera parte se explica el enfoque de Guardini y su (...)
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  13. Imagination and Harmony in Leibniz's Philosophy of Language.Lucia Oliveri - 2016 - Dissertation,
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  14. Imaginative Animals: Leibniz's Logic of Imagination.Lucia Oliveri - 2021 - Stoccarda, Germania: Steiner Verlag.
    Through the reconstruction of Leibniz's theory of the degrees of knowledge, this e-book investigates and explores the intrinsic relationship of imagination with space and time. The inquiry into this relationship defines the logic of imagination that characterizes both human and non-human animals, albeit differently, making them two different species of imaginative animals. -/- Lucia Oliveri explains how the emergence of language in human animals goes hand in hand with the emergence of thought and a different form of rationality constituted by (...)
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    Mathematizing Bodies. Leibniz on the Application of Mathematics to Nature, and its Metaphysical Ground.Lucia Oliveri - 2023 - Studia Leibnitiana 55 (1-2):190-208.
    There are two axes of Leibniz’s philosophy about bodies that are deeply inter- twined, as this paper shows: the scientific investigation of bodies due to the application of mathematics to nature – Leibniz’s mixed mathematics – and the issue of matter/bodies ide- alism. This intertwinement raises an issue: How did Leibniz frame the relationship between mathematics, natural sciences, and metaphysics? Due to the increasing application of mathe- matics to natural sciences, especially physics, philosophers of the early modern period used the (...)
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  16. The Art of Division and the Unity of the Idea: Leibniz as Scholar of Plato.Lucia Oliveri - 2022 - In Einhei und Vielheit metaphysischen Denkens. Festschrift für Thomas Leinkauf (65. Geburtstag). Hamburg: pp. 143-160.
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  17. Response to Christian Leduc.Lucia Oliveri - 2022 - The Leibniz Review 32:125-130.
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  18. Bleeding Words: Louise Bourgeois' and José Leonilson's Love Images.Beck Ana Lucia & Berwanger Maria - 2016 - PKn Comparative Literature 39 (JUNE 2016):141-161.
    As one tries to grasp love and its images within José Leonilson's production, a multiplicity of aspects and meanings are seen that also relate to Louise Bourgeois's oeuvre in regard to the interest in human relations. Through a comparative approach to both artists' poetics, an understanding is created that love is not a simplistic action and all the words read in or applied to their visual discourse must be considered within a wide range of love in visual and literary images. (...)
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  19. Grammar, Numerals, and Number Words: A Wittgensteinian Reflection on the Grammar of Numbers.Dennis De Vera - 2014 - Social Science Diliman 10 (1):53-100.
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  20. Was human evolution driven by Pleistocene climate change?Lucia C. Neco & Peter J. Richerson - 2014 - Ciência and Ambiente 1 (48):107-117.
    Modern humans are probably a product of social and anatomical preadaptations on the part of our Miocene australopithecine ancestors combined with the increasingly high amplitude, high frequency climate variation of the Pleistocene. The genus Homo first appeared in the early Pleistocene as ice age climates began to grip the earth. We hypothesize that this co-occurrence is causal. The human ability to adapt by cultural means is, in theory, an adaptation to highly variable environments because cultural evolution can better track rapidly (...)
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  21. Freedoms and Rights in a Levinasian Society of Neighbors.Marlon Jesspher B. De Vera - 2016 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 3 (2):163-173.
    This paper attempts to argue that a radically different notion of freedoms and rights that originates from the other, that is founded on the infinite responsibility for the other, and that demands an encounter with the other as pure alterity, could be a plausible starting point towards the conception and possible realization of a Levinasian society of neighbors. First, an explication is made on why a radical change in the area of freedoms and rights could be the starting point towards (...)
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  22. Can Heil's ontological conception accommodate complex properties?Vera Hoffmann - 2006 - In Michael Esfeld, John Heil: symposium on his ontological point of view. New Brunswick, NJ: Ontos.
    A central tenet of Heil's ontological conception is a no-levels account of reality, according to which there is just one class of basic properties and relations, while all higher-level entities are configurations of these base-level entities. I argue that if this picture is not to collapse into an eliminativist picture of the world – which, I contend, should be avoided –, Heil's ontological framework has to be supplemented by an independent theory of which configurations of basic entities should count as (...)
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  23. ARE WE STRATEGICALLY COPING WITH FLEXIBLE LEARNING? INSIGHTS FROM ‘FRONTLINERS’ IN HIGHER EDUCATION.Gemma De Vera & Anabelle Caser - 2024 - International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education 14 (5):6673-6677.
    At this time of pandemic, people will have to co-exist with the COVID-19. The need to ‘strategically’ cope with this inevitable situation still remains to be explored in various depths, most especially in the area of education during flexible teaching and learning. Using Focus Group Discussion and other forms of instrumentation, this qualitative study found that both teachers and students as ‘frontliners’ employed coping strategies including acceptance, building strong and solid social support, cultivating self-reliance and resourcefulness, practicing self-discipline, and establishing (...)
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  24. Bread prices and sea levels: why probabilistic causal models need to be monotonic.Vera Hoffmann-Kolss - 2024 - Philosophical Studies (9):1-16.
    A key challenge for probabilistic causal models is to distinguish non-causal probabilistic dependencies from true causal relations. To accomplish this task, causal models are usually required to satisfy several constraints. Two prominent constraints are the causal Markov condition and the faithfulness condition. However, other constraints are also needed. One of these additional constraints is the causal sufficiency condition, which states that models must not omit any direct common causes of the variables they contain. In this paper, I argue that the (...)
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  25. Is the Poststructuralist Feminist Episteme in Crisis?, an Introduction to the special issue of Technophany " Technē and Feminism".Katerina Kolozova & Vera Buehlmann - 2024 - Technophany: A Journal for Philosophy and Technology 2 (No. 1):1-4.
    Departing from the premise that the poststructuralist paradigm still reigns supreme in feminist and gender theory, that is, despite the niche efforts made in the past two decades to challenge it linked to the so called “speculative” turn or the materialisms (and realisms) emerging from the feminist field itself (such as the Utrecht School, inspired by Rosi Braidotti), we set the call for papers for the issue before you in terms that would invite authors ready to challenge the dominant epistemic (...)
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  26. È possibile una nuova etica dell’educazione? Spunti di riflessione al tempo della didattica digitale.Lucia Gangale - 2022 - Rizomafreireano 32.
    Per la prima volta in duemila anni di pedagogia stiamo parlando di didattica digitale. L’evento epocale che ha determinato questo suo improvviso irrompere nelle vite delle famiglie è stata, com’è noto, l’emergenza Covid19. Una nuova sfida che gli insegnanti italiani hanno retto bene, pur non essendo mai stati preparati ad hoc e neppure avendo per contratto un simile impegno. Fin dai primi giorni dell’emergenza Coronavirus, prima ancora che il Miur istituzionalizzasse questo tipo di didattica, i docenti si sono attivati con (...)
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  27. Contribuições da filosofia de Charles S. Peirce para uma investigação acerca de questões de fenomenologia e ontologia das obras de arte.Lucia Ferraz Nogueira de Souza Dantas - 2019 - Dissertation, Puc-Sp (São Paulo)
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  28. Sen and Žižek on the Multiculturalist Approach to Non-Violence.Marlon Jesspher De Vera - 2020 - Mabini Review 9:111-134.
    This paper analyzes areas of convergence in the works of Amartya Sen and Slavoj Žižek in their criticisms of the multiculturalist approach to non-violence. First, Žižek’s characterization of the liberal discourse of guilt and fear is presented. Then, Sen’s key ideas on multiculturalism, tolerance, and rational critique are explicated. Next, a synthesis of Sen and Žižek’s notions of universality, freedom, and rationality, as well as of their critical conceptions of globalization and anti-globalization are discussed. Subsequently, Sen and Žižek’s divergences on (...)
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    Engaño máximo: una lectura contra Dune.Pablo Vera Vega - 2024 - Análisis. Revista de Investigación Filosófica 11 (2):257-274.
    En este artículo sostengo que en Dune (1965) se perpetra una transgresión que denominaré “engaño máximo”, transgresión que consiste en la perversión (o alteración) del pacto fictivo que se da entre escritor y lector. Este engaño se acerca en algunos aspectos a la figura literaria del narrador no confiable. Peculiarmente, el “engaño máximo” de Dune se sustenta en un modo muy experimental de articulación de las perspectivas ficticias y reales; esto es, en el encaje de las perspectivas de los personajes (...)
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    Engaño máximo: Una lectura contra Dune.Pablo Vera Vega - 2024 - Análisis: Revista de Investigación Filosófica 11 (2):257-274.
    En este artículo sostengo que en Dune (1965) se perpetra una transgresión que deno-minaré “engaño máximo”, transgresión que consiste en la perversión (o alteración) del pacto fictivo que se da entre escritor y lector. Este engaño se acerca en algunos aspectos a la figura literaria del narrador no confiable. Peculiarmente, el “engaño máximo” de Dune se sustenta en un modo muy experimental de articulación de las perspectivas ficticias y reales; esto es, en el encaje de las perspectivas de los persona-jes (...)
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  31. Reflexões sobre a arte contemporânea à luz da Teoria da Formatividade de Luigi Pareyson.Lucia Ferraz Nogueira de Souza Dantas - 2013 - Dissertation, Faculdades São Bento, Brazil
    A proposta é construir uma ponte de intersecção entre os pensamentos de Pareyson, Aristóteles e Platão, e, ancorando-a nos conceitos cunhados na Teoria da Formatividade, expor como o filósofo italiano relê as problemáticas colocadas pelos filósofos gregos antigos e de que maneira esta interseção de pensamentos e conceitos contribuem para a reflexão sobre Arte na atualidade e em particular para a análise da produção pictórica de Gerhard Richter.
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  32. Reflexões sobre a arte contemporânea à luz da Teoria da Formatividade de Luigi Pareyson.Lucia Ferraz Nogueira S. Dantas - 2013 - Dissertation, Faculdades São Bento, Sp, Brazil
    A proposta é construir uma ponte de intersecção entre os pensamentos de Pareyson, Aristóteles e Platão, e, ancorando-a nos conceitos cunhados na Teoria da Formatividade, expor como o filósofo italiano relê as problemáticas colocadas pelos filósofos gregos antigos e de que maneira esta interseção de pensamentos e conceitos contribuem para a reflexão sobre Arte na atualidade e em particular para a análise da produção pictórica de Gerhard Richter.
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  33. Capire il pensiero di Martha Nussbaum.Lucia Gangale - 2019 - Saonara: Il Prato.
    Martha Nussbaum, filosofa e accademica statunitense, maestra del nostro tempo, attualmente docente di diritto ed etica all’Università di Chicago, è una pensatrice molto amata e dibattuta e autrice, insieme ad Amartya Sen, della celebre ‘teoria delle capacità’. Studiosa del mondo classico, esordisce con un’opera dal titolo ‘La fragilità del bene’, che la fa conoscere in tutto il mondo. Eppure, di questa docente e conferenziera di caratura mondiale, nel nostro Paese ancora non esistono opere che la riguardino, se non alcune tesi (...)
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  34. Il giovane Spinoza.Lucia Gangale - 2019 - Lecce: Libellula.
    L’indagine sugli anni giovanili di Benedetto Spinoza, filosofo poco compreso nel tempo in cui visse e colpito dalla scomunica della comunità ebraica nel 1656, a 24 anni, rivela una personalità già straordinariamente autonoma ed una forte indipendenza di pensiero. Dotato di una immensa cultura, comprensiva di molteplici riferimenti e tradizioni, Spinoza scopre e si avvicina anche alla filosofia di Cartesio, che lo affascina per la sua chiarezza logico-matematica ed il rigore che la caratterizza. La prima opera in cui egli si (...)
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  35. O ‘manual para a vida feliz’ de Epiteto: um comentário sobre os fragmentos de 1 a 6.Cesar Augusto Veras, Pedro Pereira Borges & Marcio Bogaz Trevizan - 2021 - Synesis (Issn 1984-6754) 13 (2):19-36.
    This article aims to analyze some aspects of the work Manual para a Vida Feliz, the result of classes given by Epictetus, and recorded by his student Ariano. We will consider the situations that, according to Epictetus, depend on the individual and those that do not depend on their action. In particular, this analysis will focus on fragments 1 to 6 of the manual, given the length to be analyzed in an article. To account for the proposed object, this analysis (...)
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  36. Ser leve e ser líquido: a modernidade líquida no pensamento de Zygmunt Bauman.Cesar Augusto Veras, Pedro Pereira Borges & Marcio Bogaz Trevizan - 2023 - Synesis (Issn 1984-6754) 15 (3):32-47.
    This article aims to elucidate, albeit in a preliminary way, the concept of liquidity in Zygmunt Bauman and its effects onsociety. The deductive-inductive method will be used. As for the methodology, this will be of a bibliographic nature. This study is in line with what the sociologist Zygmunt Bauman (1925-2017), in his texts, postulates that Modernity can be divided into two phases: Solid Modernity and Liquid Modernity. The first began in the 15th century and lasted until the 19th century; the (...)
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  37. A Compreensão de Exercícios Espirituais Em Pierre Hadot.Cesar Augusto Veras, Marcio Bogaz Trevizan & Alvez Nunes Lucas - 2018 - Synesis (Issn 1984-6754) 10:166-185.
    This article aims to present the understanding of spiritual exercises in Pierre Hadot and its importance. In order to give an account of the proposed object we will resort to bibliographical and documentary research. In the present work, we emphasize that the definition of spiritual exercises is complex, as the author himself says. According to Hadot (2014), this term arose with the ancient Greeks, and not with Christianity and is linked to the practice of caring for oneself. According to him, (...)
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  38. Three Kinds of Causal Indeterminacy.Vera Hoffmann-Kolss - 2025 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 103 (1):261-276.
    The goal of this paper is to argue that there is indeterminacy in causation. I present three types of cases in which it is indeterminate whether an event c caused another event e: (1) cases of absence causation recently discussed by Bernstein and by Swanson, (2) cases leading to Sorites paradoxes for causation, and (3) cases where c and e occur in certain indeterministic causal structures and it is therefore indeterminate whether there is a causal relation between them. These cases, (...)
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  39. O si mesmo: entre Pierre Hadot e Michel Foucault.Cesar Augusto Veras & Marcio Bogaz Trevizan - 2021 - Synesis (Issn 1984-6754) 13 (1):62-76.
    This study aims to deepen the philosophical aspects of the relationship between the work of Pierre Hadot and Michel Foucault, with regard to the concepts of "Spiritual Exercises" and "Self-Care". We intend to analyze how Pierre Hadot interpreted the appropriation that Michel de Foucault made of his text "spiritual exercises", when presenting the notion about the definition of "Care of the self". We elucidate the main divergences and convergences present between the philosophical reflections of these two authors, which are of (...)
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  40. Crítica de la mentira emotiva.Pablo Vera Vega - 2022 - Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature 3 (10):29-42.
    One of the most relevant facets of our time is the supposed rise of post–truth. Without committing ourselves to its existence, we can, from Philosophy, think, at least, about some of its facets. And the facet that we will reflect on here is that of post–truth as an emotional lie. However, given that “emotional lying” meaning is not clear, I will justify that what emotional lying privilegedly means can be deduced from the philosophical theory of bullshit. That deduction comes from (...)
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  41. Graded Causation and Moral Responsibility.Vera Hoffmann-Kolss & Matthias Rolffs - 2024 - Erkenntnis:1-19.
    Theories of graded causation attract growing attention in the philosophical debate on causation. An important field of application is the controversial relationship between causation and moral responsibility. However, it is still unclear how exactly the notion of graded causation should be understood in the context of moral responsibility. One question is whether we should endorse a proportionality principle, according to which the degree of an agent’s moral responsibility is proportionate to their degree of causal contribution. A second question is whether (...)
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  42. Ethnobiology, the Ontological Turn, and Human Sociality.Robert A. Wilson & Lucia C. Neco - 2023 - Journal of Ethnobiology 43 (3):198-207.
    The ontological turn (OT) is a loose cluster of theoretical approaches within cultural anthropology that advocates a synthetic, overarching way forward for ethnographically oriented cultural anthropology. We argue that in order to contribute substantively to ethnobiology the OT needs to distance itself from a long-standing tradition of thinking within ethnography that assumes some kind of fundamental divide between the natural and the social sciences. This distancing seems especially unlikely in light of the meta-anthropological nature of the OT as primarily a (...)
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  43. Colour hallucination: In defence of externalist representationalism.Elisabeth Lucia Waczek & Wolfgang Barz - 2022 - Analysis 82 (1):3-7.
    In a recent paper, Gow raised a new and interesting problem for externalist representationalism, the conclusion of which is that its proponents are unable to provide an acceptable account of the phenomenal character of colour hallucination. In contrast to Gow, we do not believe that the problem is particularly severe – indeed, that there is any problem at all. Thus our aim is to defend externalist representationalism against the problem raised by Gow. To this end, we will first reconstruct her (...)
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  44. Automating Reasoning with Standpoint Logic via Nested Sequents.Tim Lyon & Lucía Gómez Álvarez - 2018 - In Michael Thielscher, Francesca Toni & Frank Wolter, Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR2018). pp. 257-266.
    Standpoint logic is a recently proposed formalism in the context of knowledge integration, which advocates a multi-perspective approach permitting reasoning with a selection of diverse and possibly conflicting standpoints rather than forcing their unification. In this paper, we introduce nested sequent calculi for propositional standpoint logics---proof systems that manipulate trees whose nodes are multisets of formulae---and show how to automate standpoint reasoning by means of non-deterministic proof-search algorithms. To obtain worst-case complexity-optimal proof-search, we introduce a novel technique in the context (...)
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  45. Thinking in Circles: An Essay in Ring Composition.Sister Lucia Treanor - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 67 (2):254-256.
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  46. Why Intrinsicness Should Be Defined in a Non-reductive Way.Vera Hoffmann-Kolss - 2018 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 95:1-14.
    Defining the distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic properties has turned out to be one of the most difficult and controversial tasks in contemporary metaphysics. It is generally assumed that a definition of intrinsicness should aim to avoid as many counterexamples as possible and reduce the notion to less controversial philosophical notions. In this paper, the author argues for a new methodological approach to defining intrinsicness. Rather than trying to cover as many intuitive examples as possible, a definition of intrinsicness should (...)
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  47. La estructura de la bioquímica metabólica.Ana Donolo, Lucía Federico & Pablo Lorenzano - 2016 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 7:49--72.
    The structuralist reconstruction of the metabolic biochemistry here presented is a more complete and revised version than the one presented in Donolo, Federico & Lorenzano (2006). This version, as the previous one, continues with the reconstructive task initiated by César Lorenzano (2002), but advances further on those elements which remained pendent of reconstruction: applications subsequent to the paradigmatic one, for being these “too diversified and numerous” (p. 210).In line with which is said before, the objective of this new reconstruction is (...)
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  48. [Review]: Quintanilla, Miguel Ángel. “A favor de la razón”, Laetoi, Pamplona, 2021. [REVIEW]Pablo Vera Vega - 2021 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 66:252-257.
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  49. What Can Causal Powers Do for Interventionism? The Problem of Logically Complex Causes.Vera Hoffmann-Kolss - 2023 - In Christopher J. Austin, Anna Marmodoro & Andrea Roselli, Powers, Parts and Wholes: Essays on the Mereology of Powers. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 130-141.
    Analyzing causation in terms of Woodward's interventionist theory and describing the structure of the world in terms of causal powers are usually regarded as quite different projects in contemporary philosophy. Interventionists aim to give an account of how causal relations can be empirically discovered and described, without committing themselves to views about what causation really is. Causal powers theorists engage in precisely the latter project, aiming to describe the metaphysical structure of the world. In this paper, I argue that interventionism (...)
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  50. Wie viele Arten von Möglichkeit gibt es? Ein Kommentar zu Barbara Vetters "Möglichkeit ohne mögliche Welten".Vera Hoffmann-Kolss - 2022 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 129 (2):298-306.
    One implication of Vetter's theory of modality is that necessity and possibility are regarded as unitary natural kinds. In this paper, I argue that from the perspective of the philosophy of causation, there are good reasons to distinguish between different kinds of necessity: causal necessity, which is nomologically necessary, and non-causal necessity, which is metaphysically necessary. One challenge for Vetter's approach is to explain this distinction.
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